If you have recently become a follower of Jesus or you have never been baptized as a follower of Jesus, baptism is one of the most meaningful next steps you can take. Baptism is simply a public celebration of your decision to follow Jesus.


What is baptism?

Baptism is a public celebration of what Jesus has done in your life. Being baptized shows other people that you have decided to follow Jesus and it allows them to celebrate this decision with you (Acts 16:31-34).

Baptism doesn’t have any role in saving a person (Romans 10:9, Ephesians 2:8-9). It is simply a symbol and celebration of salvation. It symbolizes the dying of our past, the burying of our old way of life, and the rising again to a whole new life (Romans 6:1-10).

Who is ready for baptism?

Any person who has made a decision to make Jesus their forgiver and ruler is ready to be baptized (Acts 8:12, Acts 2:37-38). If you have recently become a follower of Jesus or you have never been baptized as a follower of Jesus, baptism is the right next step for you.

Why should I get baptized?

Jesus instructs his followers to be baptized and he set the example himself (Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 1:9). Baptism follows a person’s decision to make Jesus their forgiver and ruler (Acts 10:47-48).